We would like to welcome the Columbia-Willamette Faceters’ Guild’s new club display!
Members of the CWFG will be displaying their own cut gemstones in two cases located by the Fred Van Sandt faceting display in the Master Gallery. This materials in this display will be rotated every six months in order to showcase new works.
The word “gemstone” often conjures up the image of a round brilliant-cut diamond or one of a few other simple shapes. But many other faceting designs exist, and more are being dreamed up every day. CWFG members are inventive practitioners of the craft and we are delighted to show off their innovative stones.
The CWFG joins four other regional rock & lapidary clubs who showcase their members’ work at the museum. Be sure to look for other display cases by the Oregon Agate & Mineral Society, Tualatin Valley Gem Club, Mt. Hood Rock Club, and the Clackamette Mineral & Gem Society.