Meteorite and Family Fun Day 2017
Get ready for this year’s Meteorite and Family Fun Day on Saturday, May 27! We will be welcoming Dick Pugh of the Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory (Portland State University) to give his fascinating talk, “Great Balls of Fire!” at 11 AM and 1 PM. Learn exciting facts about meteorites, fireballs, and outer space. Dick will also bring his large collection of meteorites for visitors to touch and hold. Think you’ve found a meteorite? Bring it in and have Dick examine it to be sure. Family activities will also take place throughout the day. Children and adults alike can make impact craters like those on the moon and figure out how our solar system formed. This event is included with regular museum admission. Schedule of events: 10:30 AM — Activity: Building the planets (NW Gallery) 11:00 AM — Talk: Dick Pugh, Great Balls of Fire! (Lecture Room) 12:30 PM — Activity: Impact craters (NW Gallery) 1:00 PM — Talk: Dick Pugh, Great Balls of Fire! (Lecture Room) 2:00 PM — Tour: 90-minute museum tour (NW Gallery) 2:30 PM — Activity: Building the planets (NW Gallery) 3:30 PM — Activity: Impact craters (NW Gallery)
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