
Latest news and announcements from the Rice Northwest Rock and Mineral Museum.

Meteorite and Family Fun Day this Saturday, June 4

Come join us this Saturday for talks and activities about rocks from outer space. Dick Pugh of the Cascadia Meteorite Laboratory will be bringing an extensive collection of meteorites for visitors to touch after his talks at 11 AM and 1 PM. Ever wonder where meteorites come from, or why they make fireballs in the sky? Do you want to go meteorite hunting, or do you perhaps already have a rock you suspect might be a meteorite? Learn the answers to these questions and more. Talks are great for families and people of all ages. Kids’ activities will also be taking place throughout the day. Admission is reduced to $5 for all ages and includes entrance to the museum all day (10 AM – 5 PM).

Meteorite and Family Fun Day this Saturday, June 4 Read More »

Julian Gray Featured on KUIK Radio

Executive Director, Julian Gray, was recently interviewed on KUIK Radio by Hillsboro, Oregon, Chamber of Commerce President, Deanna Palm. Julian discussed the Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals and why it is so popular and recognized internationally. He spoke about the history of the museum and how it inspires children today to become rockhounds, collectors, geologists, and scientists through its school tours and educational programs and events. This is an excerpt from the full show featuring Julian Gray on YouTube. Here is the full show.

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Rice NW Museum Awarded Grant from the Cultural Coalition of Washington County

The Rice NW Museum of Rocks & Minerals is the proud recipient of a grant recently awarded by the Cultural Coalition of Washington County. The funds will promote community access with document translations. Creating Spanish-language documents such as self-guided museum tour pamphlets will enhance visitor accessibility within our diverse community. The Cultural Coalition is the re-granting board of the Oregon Cultural Trust in Washington County. Monies donated to the Cultural Trust come back to Washington County and are distributed as grants to Cultural non-profits per the Washington County Cultural Plan. These grants help promote the cultural identity, quality of life and economic vitality of Washington County and its arts, heritage and humanities organizations.

Rice NW Museum Awarded Grant from the Cultural Coalition of Washington County Read More »

Thunder-Egg-Stravaganza is March 26

It’s almost here! Join us for our annual egg hunt at the museum on Saturday, March 26, between 10 AM and 5 PM. Win real thundereggs and other treasures as prizes. We will have saws running to cut your thunderegg open right in front of you, for no additional charge. This is one egg hunt that is unique and not to be missed! Enjoy a reduced admission of $5 for all ages (children under five are still free). During this event, you can also explore the museum and learn about the thunderegg with short talks by our curator and assistance from expert volunteers. (By the way–we will have eggs and prizes available all day! We are happy to see you when our gates open at 10, but you can come have a great time at any point during the day.) Limit two thundereggs and one thunderegg cutting per visitor. No outside thundereggs will be cut.

Thunder-Egg-Stravaganza is March 26 Read More »

What’s in the Box: You’re ripped, Eurypterid!

Just back from Tucson, this little fellow is an extinct critter called a eurypterid. It’s one of the acquisitions from this year’s enormous Tucson Gem & Mineral Show, where we join other national and international museums annually to show off our specimens, make new purchases, and talk shop. The long tail spike has led some to call the eurypterid a “sea scorpion,” though we don’t know whether it was venomous. This specimen has one of two distinctive paddle-like arms remaining, and the frilly appendages sprouting off the head are its walking feet. These creatures lived in Silurian seas over 415 million years ago. This specimen is headed to a box for now, but we should be putting it out on display before long! Anyone have any good ideas for a nice nickname?

What’s in the Box: You’re ripped, Eurypterid! Read More »

Bring your mysteries to the museum this Saturday

Mystery Mineral Day is happening this Saturday, February 27, from 10 AM to 2 PM at the museum. A panel of experts will be ready and waiting for you to bring your unknown rocks, minerals, fossils, gems, and potential meteorites for identification! Have you always wondered what to call that cool crystal you picked up on a hike that one day? Did you inherit a collection, but it’s missing some labels? Do you think you may have found a fossil bone or a rock from outer space? Our experts are volunteering at this event just for you, so don’t be shy. Come on by! This event is free with general admission (and, of course, free to members).

Bring your mysteries to the museum this Saturday Read More »

New Display from Columbia-Willamette Faceters’ Guild

We would like to welcome the Columbia-Willamette Faceters’ Guild’s new club display! Members of the CWFG will be displaying their own cut gemstones in two cases located by the Fred Van Sandt faceting display in the Master Gallery. This materials in this display will be rotated every six months in order to showcase new works. The word “gemstone” often conjures up the image of a round brilliant-cut diamond or one of a few other simple shapes. But many other faceting designs exist, and more are being dreamed up every day. CWFG members are inventive practitioners of the craft and we are delighted to show off their innovative stones. The CWFG joins four other regional rock & lapidary clubs who showcase their members’ work at the museum. Be sure to look for other display cases by the Oregon Agate & Mineral Society, Tualatin Valley Gem Club, Mt. Hood Rock Club, and the Clackamette Mineral & Gem Society.

New Display from Columbia-Willamette Faceters’ Guild Read More »

There is still time to make your 2015 contribution to help the Rice NW Museum

Without you, the educational programs of the Rice NW Museum would not be possible. If you have not yet made your contributions to the Rice NW Museum this year, there is still time. Cash contributions by mail All cash contributions are 100% deductible.  You can mail your check to the museum and as long as the letter is post marked by December 31, 2015 you can deduct the donation for 2015. Cash contributions online Making your contribution is easy and safe to do online.  Just click our DONATE button on any page of our website. In person We love to see our supporters. Stop by the museum Gift Shop and make your contribution in person.  You can also call and we can take your contribution over the phone. IRA transfer If you are at least 70-1/2 years old, you can make a charitable contribution to the Rice NW Museum by rolling over any amount of an IRA up to $100,000 tax free. Contact your investment adviser to ask how to do this. This is retroactive to January 1, 2015 and is now permanent so consider doing this in 2016 as well. Shop and contribute If you shop at Fred Meyers, register your shopping card online through their Community Rewards Program. You can also shop through the Amazon Smile program. Doing either of these things cost you nothing extra and Fred Meyers and Amazon will contribute a portion of your purchase to the Rice NW Museum. Membership Become a member of the Rice NW Museum. You will get unlimited free admission to the museum and other museums in the Portland area (details will be announced next week). You will also get invited to special events at the museum that will be announced throughout 2016.  Already a members?  Renew, extend your membership, or upgrade your membership level. Other ways to support us There are many other ways to support us: In-kind donations of rocks and minerals Volunteer your time or services Adopt-a-mineral Sponsor an exhibit or event 2015 has been a great year of growth for the museum and 2016 looks even brighter. Please consider supporting us so that we can further our mission.

There is still time to make your 2015 contribution to help the Rice NW Museum Read More »

Support the Rice Northwest Museum on #GivingTuesday

Tuesday, December 1, 2015 is #GivingTuesday, a global day dedicated to giving back. Please keep the Rice Northwest Museum in your giving plans for this year. On Thanksgiving, we give thanks. On Black Friday, we get deals. On Cyber Monday, we get online. On Giving Tuesday, we give back. And here’s the coolest part about this whole movement: It doesn’t matter how you give, or how much you give, only that you give. Join in. Be part of the movement. Celebrate an attitude of gratitude. Give. You can give to the museum by: Donating to help keep the museum the best in the Pacific Northwest and globally Become a member and join the Rice NW Museum family of supporters Sponsor an event, rock or mineral, or an exhibit at the museum Volunteer to help with the many projects and activities around the museum for a few hours or on a regular basis It takes just a few dollars or hours to make a huge difference in the museum’s ability to offer free and low cost programs for school children from around the Pacific Northwest; local, national, and international educational outreach programs; extraordinary, award-winning exhibits and special programs; and to introduce thousands of people (kids of all ages) to the wonders of earth science. .

Support the Rice Northwest Museum on #GivingTuesday Read More »

Rice Northwest Museum Featured on Carl in the Morning on

Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks and Minerals’ executive director, Julian Gray, was interviewed on radio’s “Carl in the Morning” show by Carl Wolfson and Kate Bush on Friday November 6, 2015. In the interview, Carl noted that the Rice NW Museum was highlighted in a recent New York Times article. During their lively conversation they talked about the diverse, beautiful exhibits at the museum including petrified wood, gemstones, thundereggs, and more. They also talked about the museum’s educational programs and events. Have a listen:

Rice Northwest Museum Featured on Carl in the Morning on Read More »

Rice Northwest Museum of Rocks & Minerals
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